Music Club
Incharge:1. Dr. Rupasree Mukhopadhyay, Dept. of Genetics
2. Dr. P. Varija Rani, Dept. of Telugu
Welcome to the Musical World of OUCW, Koti
- The Music Club of OUCW was officially initiated in 2014. The first meeting was arranged with the interested students and the mentors, Dr. Rupasree and Dr. Varija on 26th July 2014.
- Almost about 200 students registered their names and participated in the activities of Music Club. Students who were skilled in playing various musical instruments were selected and an OUCW Instrument Band’ was created.
- In August 2014, the members were trained with the College Song and other patriotic songs to be performed for Independence Day.
- On 7th August 2014 the OUCW Instrument Band and Choir group performed live retreat music for Convocation 2014.
- Students of Choir group consistently performed and participated in various college activities including, Independence Day, Republic Day, Communal Harmony week, Alumni day, Sports day and College day.
- A special song was set to tune and rendered by Choir group during the Ninetieth year Navathi Celebrations from 18-20 September 2014.
- In association with SPICMACAY, a Sarangi recital was organized at Prof. Pramada devi Seminar Hall on 19th January 2015. The artist Ustad Kamaal saberi , accompanied by Ustad N. Javed on Tabla mesmerized the audience with the lovely tones of classical music.
- For the first time in OUCW, a much appreciated classical Jugalbandhi of Hindustani and Carnatic music was rendered by R. Mridula and Chandana Negi during College day celebrations on 21st February 2015.
- The members of Music Club actively participate and contribute in the weekly assemblies of the college.
- The following recognitions were awarded to the members of Music Club during 2014-15:
- 16th August 2014: National level Dikshitarkrithi competions of NadaBharathi : R. Mridula won First prize in regional level.
- 28th August 2014: Bhavanotsav Fest; R. Mridula won First prize in Classical Solo Vocal; Chandana Negi won First prize in Light Solo Vocal
- 19th October 2014: Hindu Saregama M.S. Subbulakshmi Award 2014: R.Mridula went upto semi-finals level.
- Nov 2014: D. Harshavardhini participated in Alapana Programme on DD Saptagiri channel.
- 9th January 2015: Tribal and Multicultural Youth Festival, Govt. of Telangana: OUCW Choir group sang a Bengali folk song and won second prize.
On the whole, the Music Club has brought much credit and colour to the college and its festivities, and has garnered maximum appreciation through their multifaceted activities.
- The musical Choir group of OUCW welcomes the first year students with lovely melodies at the Orientation programme on 15th June 2015.
- Fresh registrations of Music Club were done which added the total members up to about 300.
- The meritorious students of Music Club formed a Cultural group named SAPTAC (Students Association for Promotion of Tradition And Culture). SAPTAC performed a cultural programme at MCR-HRD Training Institute for a training workshop conducted for IAS and CSS officer’s on 22nd July 2015. The audience were enthralled by their performance which has boosted the morales for their future endeavours.
- Proposed activities of Music Club for the year 2015-2016:
- Patriotic songs competition in July-August 2015.
- Auditions/selections for OUCW Choir group for 2015-16.
- Basic vocal training for the members of the club.
- Music Concerts (Vocal/ Instrumental) by professional artists in association to SPICMACAY and other non-profit organizations.
- To start Instumental Training classes (Casio/ Guitar/Congo) for interested students.
Science Club
Incharge Faculty:1. Ms.K.S.N.Jyothi, Dept. of Genetics and Biotechnology
2. Ms.Shruti Kabra, Dept.of Food and Nutrition
The Science club was formed in June 2014 with 150 students from various faculties of UG and PG. The members of the club meet every third Saturday of the month and discuss on the recent technological advancements and achievements in various fields of Physical sciences and Life sciences. The following activities were conducted by the science club members in the academic year 2014-15:
- To initiate the activity of Science Club the students started the kitchen garden in the lawn of Science Block and are involved in its maintenance all through the year.
- Opportunities in clinical research by Dr. Chandana , Apollo Institute of Sciences – 20-07-14
- A seminar on Scope of Agri-Business in India by Ms. Lasya from Symbiosis Institute of Pune – 24-08-14
- All the students of Science Club made interesting models and charts for the open house exhibition held during Navathi Celebrations held during 18th , 19th and 20th September 2014.
- Quiz competition - 21-02-15
The following activities are proposed by the science club members for the academic year 2015-16:
- Awareness on Yoga for Good Health- on the Occasion of First International Yoga Day on 21st June 2015 a Yoga Camp was organized for the staff and students of the college.
- Maintenance of Kitchen Garden
- Discussion about Scientists and their achievements.
- Debate on Pros and Cons of various technological advancements.
- To organize a workshop on “Basic science experimentation” workshop for government school children.
- To promote the interest in regular updates in Sciences, articles from News papers and magazines will be put up on the Science block notice board.
Literature Club
Incharge Faculty:1. Dr. Y.L. Srinivas, Dept. of English
2. Ms. Sangeeta, Dept. of English
The literary club is formed with a group of 50 enthusiastic students who interact on the second Friday of every month and actively participate in various literary activities in English, Hindi, Telugu, Sanskrit and Urdu.
The following activities were conducted by the literary club members in the academic year 2014-15:
- The students of the literary club participated in the essay writing competition conducted by Metro India on “Swach Bol Swach Soch” in the twin cities. Of the 120 essays from our college five essays were selected for the final round. Out of the 500 and above essays from the twin cities, our student Ms. R. Mridula of B.A Final year won the first prize, a cash award of Rs. One Lakh.
- On the occasion of the National Communal Harmony week during 19th to 24th November 2014, the literary club organized Essay writing and elocution competition on the topic “National Integration and Communal Harmony.”
The following activities are proposed by the literary club members in the academic year 2015-16:
- On the Occasion of First International Yoga Day on 21st June 2015, the literary club conducted an Essay writing competition on “Yoga for Good Health”.
- To improve the reading habits of the students, competitions based on Newspaper and Magazines will be planned.
- To organize various Essay writing, Debate and Collage competitions on the happening topics.
Commerce Club
Commerce Club: The Department of Commerce has organized commerce club during the year 2014-15, Dr.B Sandhya Rani, Dr. Humaira Begum and Mrs. Rajyalaxmi as the co-ordinators. A number of activities were organized like commerce antyakshiri, PPT presentation, Turn-coat, Jam Session etc. to name a few. All the students of B.Com took part actively and prizes were distributed for the winners of the competitions
Date | Activities | Winners | |||||||||
19-7-2014 |
Commerce Antyakshiri |
26-7-2014 |
Powerpoint presentation |
2-8-2014 |
Turn - Coat |
23-8-2014 |
Just-A-Minute |