The College Library is among the oldest libraries in the city and it caters to the academic requirements of the staff and students. The holdings of the library are frequently updated. The Library is equipped with latest software & hardware, INFLIBNET facilities are also available to enable online access of resources.
Smt. C. Ashwini - | Library Asst. |

Health Centre
The College has a Health Centre on the campus to cater to the students and employees. The dispensary functions on full-time basis with one Regular Doctor, one staff nurse and an ayah.
Dr. Sharada | Medical Officer |
Dr. Supriya | Consulting Gynecologist |

The College Canteen caters to the needs of students and staff, and is open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days.

Cyber Centre
This Centre, equipped with 40 systems and software, enables internet access and online browsing to all the students. There are 4 systems exclusively for physically challenged.
